
Are you ready to…

Liberate yourself from limiting beliefs that hold back your success? Embrace the challenge of stepping beyond your comfort zone? Reconnect with your true self, identify your needs, and courageously pursue your genuine desires?

Break free, rise above, and seize the success that awaits beyond the boundaries.

If you’re prepared to embark on this transformative journey, I’m here, committed to you. Recognize the strength, resilience, and untapped potential within - the qualities that define your innate capability.

A gold framed box that has pink, green, and purple watercolor splotches on the inside spilling out of the top right of the box

Hello, I’m Claudia Copley, a dedicated empowerment coach with professional training, certification, and, and accreditation. Through meaningful conversations, I foster transformative awareness for my clients. My role is to assist individuals in gaining clarity about their identity, aspirations, and the pathways to achievement. I am on a mission to empower individuals like you to embrace and celebrate your unique selves—a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for genuine recognition.

I love my job and am passionate about guiding people out of their boxes so they can stretch, expand, and succeed.

Photography: Steve Gugerty

This might come as a surprise, this journey isn’t about striving upwards; everything you need is already within you. It’s about delving into your core values, enabling you to expand outward and confidently pursue what you need and desire.

Ready to get started?

Work with me one-to-one or through a group offering:


Working with me 1:1 on your personal or professional goals.


$175 per session for 3 months (6 sessions) or 6 months (12 sessions)

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Mental Fitness Program

Move from Surviving to Thriving through this 6-week program.



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Explore Your Essence Retreat

Reconnect with yourself and your unique values through this self-care and wellness retreat.



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Wondering if 1:1 coaching, or a group program is right for you? Book a no-charge chemistry session.

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