Are You Thriving or Surviving?

Let’s be honest: wherever we land on the thriving or surviving spectrum, most of us are capable of thriving beyond our expectations. But we don’t thrive because we listen to our inner critic—that voice in our head that delivers harsh judgment. We judge ourselves, others, and circumstances, which leads to self-sabotage.

Our brains were designed with a negative pre-dispositioned narrative (saboteur) for evolutionary survival. Our ancestors needed to be on high alert for the danger (event) lurking in the bush. Now that we have evolved, we don’t need to be as cautious, but our pre-wired negative inner narrative still gets in the way. The great news is that our brains are also designed with a positive pre-dispositioned narrative (sage)!

three large arrows, each with the word Saboteur, Sage, and Events showing the PQ reps for the way our brains are wired

What is Mental Fitness?

To stop self-sabotaging, we need to shift away from making decisions using our default negative neural pathways and instead use our positive neural pathways. How? Through mental fitness:

  • Mental fitness is the measure of the strength of our positive mental muscles (sage) versus the negative (saboteur).

  • Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) is how we measure mental fitness. It increases the percentage of time your mind is serving you as opposed to sabotaging you.

Mental fitness is our ability to handle life’s challenges with a positive mindset rather than a negative mindset. This affects everything, including our performance, our relationships, and our well-being. Extensive research shows that mental fitness is the best predictor of how happy we will be and how well we will perform relative to our potential.

Mental fitness is like physical fitness: If we don’t actively workout, we won’t reach the goals we want for ourselves.

What is the Mental Fitness Program?

  • A program developed and rooted in science and factor analysis research that can re-wire our brains in 7 weeks!

  • A synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science.

  • A program created by Shirzad Chamine, an NY Times bestseller author whose background includes:
    • PhD studies in Neuroscience
    • MS in Electrical Engineering
    • BA in Psychology
    • MBA from Stanford

outline of a gold square with gold dots coming out the top right

How it Works

This program is designed like a mental fitness boot camp. I lead you and a small group of determined individuals on a virtual journey to re-wire the brain and stop self-sabotaging behavior. I, along with the other members of the group, will provide support, awareness, and confirmation that you’re not alone—we all have much more in common than we realize!

1 hour weekly virtual session alongside other determined individuals eager to stop self-sabotaging

4 daily app-guided moments to build new neural pathways to form positive behavioral habits

6 weekly engaging videos that guide you through experiential excercises

Worried about how much time you can commit to the program? The Mental Fitness Program will require approximately 26 hours, or 2.2% of your time over the course of 7 weeks.

This program builds measurable growth in the following areas:


Improve your work-related decisions and performance.

• Declare your vision
• Meet your goal
• Act decisively


Feel less stressed, more peaceful, and experience more consistent happiness—even when confronted with challenging events

• Align your values
• Shift your pace
• Be present daily


Improve personal and professional relationships, and handle conflicts in ways that deepen trust and harmony.

• Say what you need/want
• Hear what others need/want
• Shift your level of connection


$575 for the 7-week program

Contact Claudia for the next 7-week program date.


“Conflict avoidance. I really don’t like it but by avoiding it, it becomes more frustrating when it hits that point. It’s a vicious cycle and “aha” strategies were a great way to stop it.”

- Karen Schultz, Sales Operation Specialist

“Every human should do this program.”

- Sarah Swain, Owner, Swain Fitness

“I was somewhat cynical at the beginning, so I am overall very pleased with what I learned. Becoming aware of the judge and my saboteurs was so eye opening! It really helped me to explain my insecurities.”

- Krystina Ponce De Leon, Educator

Ready to Rewire Your Brain?

Invest this time in yourself—YOU are worth it!